
Our Story

Founded and operated by Veterans and Federal civil servants, Ragati River Fly Company understands the sacrifices U.S. servicemen and women, federal agencies, our law enforcement, fire fighters, and rescue professionals, our teachers, and fish, wildlife, and public lands officials make daily for the good of all Americans and those across the free world. 

Fly fishing is an integral part of our owners’ lives and serves as a vector for connection to nature, healing, sport, and relaxation.  We are patriots, conservationists, regular Americans and we are dedicated, particularly in these times of inflation, to bringing high quality craftsmanship flies and fly fishing products to those that share our passion and values.

Our Purpose

Following a passion for fly fishing around the world, our founders explored the highland streams of Kenya, along the way striking up relationships with a community of Kenyan artisan fly tiers. From the simplest of villages and slums, these tiers have perfected the art of tying, producing exquisite, custom, hand-crafted flies. Ragati River Fly Company aims to bring this artistry to our customers, while in turn working to improve the standards of living of Kenyan craftspeople.

Ragati River Fly Company was founded by owners who served their country and who believe that service never stops. We served the U.S. in warzones, domestically, and across the globe. Our compassionate capitalism is built on three pillars—give back to veterans, give back to international communities in need, and conservation in the model of President Theodore Roosevelt. As such, 10% of our profits will be donated to non-profits or directly fund efforts across each pillar. More to follow on the organizations we support and the hands-on volunteerism of our staff.